Seattle Kraken captain candidates

Who’s The Seattle Kraken Captain?

So many options exist for naming the Seattle Kraken’s 2nd ever captain. The team possesses a wealth of championship experience.

Current “A” wearers as alternates/assistants: Jordan Eberle, Jaden Schwartz, Yanni Gourde, and Adam Larsson.

Here’s the arguments:

In all fairness, let’s do this alphabetically, although I think your winner just happens to sit at the top. I’m basing this on age, contract length and potential overall longevity with the franchise. Of course, they need to be qualified.

— Vince Dunn – Why Dunn when there are older, more experienced veterans on the roster?

He’s entering his prime at age-26, he just signed a four-year contract, he’s non-controversial, and he’s apparently as productive and respected as anyone else on the team.

You also don’t ruffle any feathers with any of the more experienced aforementioned veterans while taking a long view of the captaincy. There’s no guarantee Dunn will still be in Seattle after his four year contract expires, but there’s a pretty decent likelihood he will given his age and the direction of the franchise. He’d be perfect for continuity while some of the other cagey, wiley veterans will soon be running out of time based on age and/or effectiveness.

— Jordan Eberle – Not one of your previous champions — not that it’s a prerequisite of course, just sayin’ — but obviously well respected and a veteran who’s experienced most everything. My issue is the fact he is 33 and entering the final year of his contract.

Even if he re-signs, and this applies to other veterans below on this list, do we really want to go through this process again in another two or three years if not sooner.

— Yanni Gourde – Great team guy, fearless, and obviously a winner, but it’s really tough having your shi(f)t disturber as your captain. Your captain isn’t supposed to be constantly chirping, face-washing guys or being face-washed. It simply doesn’t work. He’s perfect wearing the “A” and the Kraken need him to continue doing what he does best: Playing well and pissing people off.

— Adam Larsson – Dunn’s partner might make the next most sense to me as captain, if not the most sense. A quiet leader whose actions speak louder than words. His toughness stands out and that’s important in a captain … at least it should be.

He’s a 30-year-old stalwart with two years remaining on his reasonable contract and I can see him re-signing in 2025 and sticking around for another medium range deal.

— Jaden Schwartz – Because of his age, 31, the fact he has three years remaining on his contract, and he’s a former Stanley Cup champion who’s universally well liked and respected, this is probably the Kraken’s first choice as captain.

Nagging health becomes a bit of an issue because your captain should probably be participating in all or most of your morning skates and practices or at least addressing the media afterwards. Schwartz tends to skip practically all of the am game day skates. That privilege is fine if you’re dinged up, but otherwise not so much.

It appears and/or seems he’ll be ready to go fulltime this season.

Kraken Summary

Placing odds is very popular these days and if I were doing so, I would make Schwartz the odds on favorite with D-partners Dunn and Larsson coming next.

I’ve made my arguments for a slight surprise.

By the way, Matty Beniers isn’t ready, especially considering the wealth of veteran experience and knowledge around him. What doesn’t apply to Dunn in terms of overcoming that, does apply to Beniers. In other words, forget slapping the “C” on your best young player just because he’s your best young player.

Beniers is a pretty solid lock to take over as captain following whoever takes over next.

Surprising is the dearth of captain candidates up the road with the division rival Vancouver Canucks.
Recent Kraken:

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— The Kraken’s 1st NHL Draft: Where Are They Now?

— Simmer’s Sunday 9: Kraken Wedding Bells, Big $$, Trivia

Rob Simpson

Rob Simpson has covered the NHL in five different decades. He’s authored 4 books on hockey and is a veteran TV and radio play-by-play man and reporter.
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1 year ago

If the team is going to have a captain, in my outsider’s opinion, I think that captain should be Adam Larsson. Dude is constantly working hard, and he spends more time on the ice than anyone else. He throws a ton of nasty hits, blocks shots without hesitation, and plays fundamentally sound hockey. He is a well-respected veteran player with half a career of high-level performance behind him. That’s exactly the kind of example a captain should set for his teammates. But hey, the players know who their captain is, whoever he may be.